About Us

The Regional Waste Management Authority (RWMA) is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) formed by Yuba and Sutter Counties and the Cities of Live Oak, Marysville, Wheatland and Yuba City. The JPA agreement was entered into for the purposes of providing reliable, economical, integrated and environmentally sound waste management services to all of the residents, businesses and organizations of the region, and was most recently amended effective November 1, 2021. Each of the six member agencies contract with Recology Yuba-Sutter for solid waste collection services. The RWMA also contracts with Recology Yuba-Sutter for the operation of the Yuba-Sutter Household Hazardous Waste Facility located at 134 Burns Drive in Yuba City which is owned by the RWMA.
The RWMA member agencies also entered into a Regional Agency Formation Agreement in 1995 for purposes of combining disposal and diversion quantities for determining compliance with the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989; to allow for the efficient operation of diversion programs on a region-wide basis; to develop the Regional Integrated Waste Management Plan including the Source Reduction and Recycling, Household Hazardous Waste, Nondisposal Facility, and Regional Siting Elements and any additional elements or plans that may be required.