Yuba-Sutter Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility
The Yuba-Sutter Household Hazardous Waste Facility accepts household hazardous waste from residents of Yuba or Sutter County and qualifying Yuba and Sutter County businesses and non-household generators of hazardous waste as described below.
134 Burns Drive, Yuba City (off of Garden Highway in South Yuba City)
Open Saturdays for Yuba and Sutter County households ONLY, 8 am - 4 pm (excluding holidays) for household hazardous waste from your home.
For information call (530) 743-6933 Monday - Friday, (530) 671-6900 Saturday.

There is no cost to drop off hazardous wastes from Yuba and Sutter County households. No appointment is required to deliver waste from households.
Please review the following guidelines customers will need to follow when bringing in hazardous waste to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility.
- 15 gallons or 125 lbs. of hazardous waste is the maximum amount that homeowners can haul per trip by State law. In addition, homeowners can haul up to another 20 gallons of used oil. There is no volume limit for electronic devices, consumer batteries and fluorescent light tubes/lamps.
- The largest container of hazardous waste accepted is 5 gallons. For Do-It-Yourself Oil Changers, up to 55 gallons of used motor oil can be pumped from your drum BUT, we cannot recycle your drum and you MUST call in advance to make an appointment.
- Customers must stay in their vehicles at all times.
- Hazardous waste must be in unlocked trunk or truck bed. If waste is in vehicle cabin, customer will be responsible for readjusting their load and putting it onto a cart.
- Qualifying Yuba and Sutter County businesses and non-household generators of hazardous waste must schedule an appointment to deliver waste and a fee will apply based on the type and quantity of waste delivered. Please call Recology Yuba-Sutter for an appointment: (530) 743-6933 Monday through Friday and Saturday (530) 671-6900.
- Medical Waste (except sharps)
- Asbestos (call for exceptions)
- Tires
- Ammunition & Explosives
- Radioactive Materials
- Compressed Gas Cylinders
- Propane Cylinders (> 5 gallons)
- Light Fixtures attached to fluoursecent lights (only tubes/lamps and ballasts are accepted)
- Garbage
- Medicines
Improper handling, storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous products may cause extreme danger to you, your family, pets, property, water supply or wildlife. Always follow the manufacturer's directions when using these products.
Limit disposal by only buying what you need. Never mix products -- the fumes could be toxic. Bring surplus household chemicals (household hazardous waste) to the Yuba-Sutter Household Hazardous Waste Facility where it can be placed in the Reuse Center, recycled, or disposed of properly. Do not dispose of household hazardous waste in collection carts, dumpsters, burn barrels or street drains.
Bring products in their original containers and check that all containers are closed and in good enough condition to survive the drive. If the product label is missing, clearly list the contents on the container, or what it was used for, if known. Used motor oil and oil filters should be placed in a clean spill-proof container. Transport all hazardous wastes in sturdy containers, packed upright into cardboard boxes or plastic tubs and in your trunk or truck bed. DO NOT transport household toxics in the same airspace as you, your children, or pets. Call Recology Yuba-Sutter at (530) 743-6933 for directions on transporting leaking or damaged containers to the facility. If empty and dry, paint cans and other containers which used to hold household hazardous waste can be disposed in your gray cart. Aerosol cans which are empty of BOTH product and propellant can go in your blue (recycle) cart — please remove the cap and nozzle before recycling.
The Reuse Center at the Yuba-Sutter Household Hazardous Waste Facility has products such as recycled paint, gardening supplies, automotive fluids and cleaning products. Every item in the Reuse Center is FREE! Product availability varies from week to week.
For more information, call:
Recology Yuba-Sutter
Monday - Friday (530) 743-6933, or
Saturday (530) 671-6900
Empty containers of HHW which are 5 gallons or smaller are garbage (gray cart) when completely empty and dry. Aerosol paint cans can be recycled in your blue cart only if completely empty of product and propellant. Do not recycle empty aerosol cans of cleaners or pesticides. Drums and other containers larger than 5 gallons which are empty but originally held a hazardous material require special handling. Call the Environmental Department at Recology Yuba-Sutter at (530) 743-6933 for assistance.